Join Our Team
Rise to serve and make a difference. Join Phoenix Police Department and see a world of rewarding opportunities.
To join us and become a Phoenix Police Officer you must meet these minimum requirements:
- Be at least 20.5 years of age at the time of application; 21 years of age prior to completion of the Academy
- Be a United States citizen
- Must successfully complete a medical exam to AZPOST standards
- Have not been dishonorably discharged from the United States Armed Forces

- Within the last 36 months:
- Have fewer than eight driving violation points
- Have no more than one chargeable accident
- Have no convictions for DUI (no more than one in a lifetime)
- An applicant must possess a valid driver’s license that has not been canceled, refused, suspended or revoked for a moving violation within the past 36 months
- Must meet Arizona Peace Officers Standards and Training Board drug standards
- No commission or conviction of a felony. Misdemeanor arrests are discretionary
- Three positive personal references
- No history of criminal or improper conduct
- Have a positive employment history
- Must have a high school diploma, home school diploma or GED equivalency
- AZPOST (Arizona Peace Officers Standards and Training) certified officers may be eligible for lateral transfers
Our hiring process is designed to identify individuals committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity and service. Here’s what you can expect:
1. Submit your City of Phoenix Application
Visit the City of Phoenix Website
Search for “Police Recruit”
Ensure you meet our minimum requirements, including age, citizenship and education.
Complete the online application and submit it.
Record your application identification number (screenshot/write it down) for your records.
After submitting your online application, you will receive an email notification within 1-2 weeks informing you of your eligibility for the position. Please continue to step 2 of our hiring process during this time.
2. AZPOST Personal History Form
Complete the AZPOST Personal History Form. You will be prompted to share the personal history form with the agency you are applying for. Choose PHXPD.
You will be provided an AZPOST Form ID Number specific to your application. Record this number (screenshot/write it down) for your records.
After completion of the AZPOST personal history form proceed to Step 3.
3. Peace Officer Physical Aptitude Test (POPAT)
Once you have submitted your online application and have received an email notification that you have been placed on the eligibility list, you may sign up for a POPAT testing date. Sign up and learn more about the POPAT by visiting the link here.
*Out-of-state applicants will not sign up for POPAT until assigned to a background investigator.
4. eSOPH Background Packet and Background Interview
You will be provided an eSOPH link and a specific access code via email to complete your online background packet.
In order to be assigned to a background investigator and to proceed to the background interview, the following must be completed:
- AZPOST personal history packet (shared with PHXPD)
- Successfully pass the POPAT
- Complete and submit your eSOPH online background packet
Early in the process, applicants will be provided an eSOPH link to complete their online background packet. Once completed, they will be contacted by a background investigator to schedule a background interview. The background interview will verify your qualifications and character.
Follow the tips below to help you navigate the eSOPH Background Packet and Interview.
Phoenix Police Hiring Tips
5. Polygraph Examination
You will be required to complete a polygraph examination administered by the Phoenix Police Department.
6. Psychological Examination
Applicants will be evaluated by a licensed psychologist.
7. Medical Examination
Applicants will undergo a medical examination given by an AZPOST authorized physician.
8. Controlled Substance Screening
Applicants will be required to submit to a controlled substance screening during the hiring process.
Competitive Salary
The Phoenix Police Department is one of the highest-paying law enforcement agencies in Arizona.
We offer a competitive salary and benefits package, ensuring your hard work is rewarded.
Police Recruit Starting Salary:
$33.72 hourly /
$70,138 annually
Salary Upon Academy Graduation:
$35.75 hourly /
$74,360 annually
Police Officer Maximum Salary:
$51.84 hourly /
$107,827 annually
Hiring Incentive:
Recruits = $7,500.
How it works: $2,500 upon initial hire. $2,500 on successful completion of the Phoenix Police Academy. $2,500 on successful completion of the Probationary period as a Police Officer.
Hiring Incentive:
Lateral Police
Officers = $7,500.
How it works: $3,750 upon swearing-in as a Phoenix Police Officer. $3,750 upon successful completion of the Probationary period.
Download: Compensation & Benefits Reference Guide

Career Advancement
Embark on a rewarding career path with opportunities for growth and advancement. PHX PD offers over 80 specialty details and hundreds of promotional opportunities.
Continuing Education
Training Reimbursement
$500 of their tuition reimbursement funds to attend additional career training.
Education/Tuition Reimbursement
$6,500 in reimbursement funds available every year.
Sign Language/Bilingual Incentive Pay
Officers receive $10/hour in addition to regular hourly pay while engaged in translation activities. This includes all related paperwork, investigation time and court appearances.
Retirement Benefits
Secure your future with a retirement plan that ensures life-long financial stability. Officers may choose either the Arizona Public Safety Personnel Retirement System or 401K.
Health Benefits
The City of Phoenix is committed to supporting the health and well-being of our employees and their loved ones by offering an expansive benefits program as a core part of your total compensation. Several health insurance plan options to select from as well as life insurance benefits.
Additional Incentives

4/10 Hour Work Schedule
Patrol Officers work four days per week on ten hour shifts.

Nightshift/Weekend Differential Pay

Compensatory Time Bank Option
Officers may save up to 300 hours of compensatory time which may be used as cash or leave.

Vacation Leave
One to Five Years of Service = Eight hours per month (96 hours/year).
Increases incrementally with years of service, up to 15 hours per month.

Personal Leave
Holiday Pay
13 paid holidays each year.

Parental Leave
Up to 480 hours of paid parental leave to employees (240 hours for part-time/job-share employees) during the 12-month period immediately following the birth of an employee’s child or the placement of a child with an employee in connection with adoption or foster care.

Paid Court Overtime
Court appearances at a time other than the regularly scheduled duty time are compensated overtime with a minimum of three hours of court time paid for each court appearance.
Health and Wellness
Equipment & Allowances
Department-Provided Equipment
The Phoenix Police Department provides Officers with their firearm, gun belt (including equipment carriers such as holster and magazine carrier), handcuffs, ammunition, pepper spray, breast badge, flat badge, traffic vest, helmet, fingerprint kit, puncture-resistant gloves, tape recorder.
Uniform Allowance
Ballistic Vest Allowance
Officers receive $1,000 to purchase their initial vest. Then $1,000 every five years to purchase a replacement. In addition to the annual uniform allowance.