Phoenix Police Cadet Program
What It Takes to Be a Cadet
Too Young to Be a Police Officer? Be a PHX PD Cadet
The Cadet program is for career-oriented young adults aged 14 and older. Members are referred to as "Cadet" and are held to the highest of standards. The mission of the Phoenix Police Cadet Program is to provide young adults with leadership skills and law enforcement training.
We request you view the What It Takes to Be a Cadet video so you better understand the Program prior to submitting any questions.
The Phoenix Police Cadets
Cadets are sponsored by the Phoenix Police Department as a community-based policing program. This successful program is designed to educate and involve young men and women in police operations and to interest them in law enforcement functions whether they enter the law enforcement field or not.
Cadets have the opportunity to assist the Phoenix Police Department. They can broaden their understanding and firsthand knowledge of the challenges and job skills that make up their community's police service. In addition to gaining a working knowledge of police work, the participants have the opportunity to give of themselves to their community. Although the Cadets are law enforcement oriented, they are volunteers and do not serve as police employees, sworn or civilian.
Cadet Experience
Providing future career readiness: As a PHX PD Cadet you will gain valuable experience and insight into the Phoenix Police Department at a young age. Our Cadet programs establishes a clear pathway for those interested in joining the police department one day as an officer or other law enforcement professional.
At 18-years-old, Cadets can apply for non-sworn positions, such as Police Assistants or Police Communication Operators, allowing them to start their professional careers early. Then, at 20.5 years old, they have the opportunity to apply to become police recruits. The knowledge and experience gained from working as a Police Assistant or Communications Operator will greatly benefit their future careers as police officers.
Advisors assist Cadets with resumes, mentoring, career placement and training as well as scholarship and grant writing. City Employment opportunities emphasized.
- Providing team building activities: Obstacle courses, sporting events, hiking, rock gym, lake trips and more.
The Phoenix Police Department’s Cadet Program meets every Tuesday of the month at 5:00 p.m. Locations may vary depending on the type of training.
- Provide community services: direct off-street traffic parking, crowd control at parades, administrative duties at briefing stations, neighborhood cleanup and career fairs.
- Provide leadership training: gain a sense of pride in our community and country and teach individual responsibilities.
- Providing training for personal fitness: weight lifting, academy obstacle course and running.
- Providing specialty opportunities: Cadet Honor Guard, Second Language translator certification, CPR certification, Competition Team (4 regional competitions annually).
- Providing law enforcement training: Summer Academy, Investigations, Physical Fitness / POPAT Requirements, Traffic Stops, Building Entries, Driving Track, Criminal Law, Dispatch, Burglary, DV Basics, Firearms Safety, CERT, First Aide Basics, Crisis Intervention, Traffic Direction, Report Writing, Crime Scene, Cyber / Social Media, Resume writing, Community Response, Defensive Tactics, Breaching, Building Searches, Robotics, DUI, Handcuffing, Patrol Basics, Drill and Facing, Officer Rescue, Fingerprinting.
- Must be 14 and over of age (14 years old and have graduated from eighth grade)
- Have a good moral character
- Remain in school while in the program or until graduation
- Maintain a C average (70%) or higher
- Not have a serious police record
- Take and pass a written exam
- Be able to attend weekly Cadet meetings
- Be willing to volunteer your time to attend Cadet functions
- Be willing to commit to the Cadet Code and exemplify the professional image of the Phoenix Police Department
Cadet Orientations
Cadet orientations are held biannually, before the school year begins and after the winter holidays. Please email [email protected], for more information.
The testing process is typically held the week after orientation. See below for the testing process.
1. Cadet Application
You will be REQUIRED to bring the completed Cadet Application with you on testing night.
2. Written Test
3. Oral Board
Oral Board is not something you need to study for. Questions from a 2-person panel will be on topics concerning your individual personalities, accomplishments, activities and history.
4. Background Screening
Your background packet, entrance exam and fingerprints will be reviewed.
5. Become a Cadet
After the successful completion of the exam and background process, you will become a Cadet. Cadets will be placed on probation for three months. During the probation period, you must attend all meetings and complete 8 hours of community service each month.
For more information on the Cadets program, contact:
Community Engagement Bureau
620 W. Washington St.
Phoenix, Arizona 85003
Email: [email protected]